The Bane of your Existence
Who is it? Who is the single champion you hate the absolute most? For me, it is Pantheon. He is the absolute fucking worst and annoying piece of shit to play against. Sure, there are counter picks and an easy to play against him, but it doesn't fit my play-style. I'm an aggressive player and I hate playing safe, I'll do it in ranked but when I'm in a game of norms trying to play Riven and I'm up against Pantheon I can't do shit. Like fuck his passive and then his W. As long as he has at least 20% CDR and mana, he can fucking spam his W and constantly have his passive up.

What about you guys? Who do you fucking despise running into on the Rift?

[Image: 2f0g9w0.jpg]

Hate that fucker with all my heart when he's the jungler.
Nothing better to do than to Turtle/Bear combo, stun and tank damage and camp lane.

The only time an Udyr does good is when n Udyr annoys the piss out of you and he can even slow down a snowballing lane and make it choke.

Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!
Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high

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