[VB.NET] Send a text message to a Cell phone
Well oddly enough when you text a cell phone it's like emailing someone, in a sense that it actually uses an email address.

This is some sample code from my SMS spammer I made a long time back:

To get this started you need to do some imports at the top of your form or class:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Diagnostics

Then the code for sending the email:
Dim smtp As SmtpClient = Nothing
        Dim sms_message As New MailMessage()
sms_message.From = New MailAddress(My.Settings.email)
                sms_message.To.Add(txt_number.Text & provider)
                sms_message.Subject = txt_subject.Text
                sms_message.Body = txt_message.Text
                smtp = New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
                smtp.Port = 587
                smtp.EnableSsl = True
                ' Edit email address  and password accorindingly. You don't need to have @gmail.com
                smtp.Credentials = DirectCast(New NetworkCredential(My.Settings.user_name, My.Settings.password), ICredentialsByHost)

Now this was a chunk of code taken from the actual program and sitting as it wont work correctly.

Somethings that need to be changed:
smtp.Credentials = DirectCast(New NetworkCredential(My.Settings.user_name, My.Settings.password), ICredentialsByHost)

My.settings.user_name and My.settings.password , My.setttings.email

You can just Dim 3 variables as string and sub those in.

sms_message.To.Add(txt_number.Text & provider)
Provider is the cell phone carrier and txt_number is well their cell number.

You can ignore the case statements and just pull the address's from it

If country = "USA" Then
            Select Case cmb_phone_services.SelectedIndex
                Case 0
                    provider = "@vtext.com"
                Case 1
                    provider = "@txt.att.net"
                Case 2
                    provider = "@message.alltel.com"
                Case 3
                    provider = "@page.nextel.com"
                Case 4
                    provider = "@myboostmobile.com"
                Case 5
                    provider = "@tmomail.net"
                Case 6
                    provider = "@vmobl.com"
                Case 7
                    provider = "@messaging.sprintpcs.com "
                Case 8
                    provider = "@msg.acsalaska.com"
                Case 9
                    provider = "@gocbw.com"
                Case 10
                    provider = "@rinasms.com"
                Case 11
                    provider = "@email.uscc.net"
                Case 12
                    provider = "@viaerosms.com"
                Case 13

            End Select
        ElseIf country = "Canada" Then
            Select Case cmb_phone_services.SelectedIndex
                Case 0
                    provider = "@txt.bell.ca"
                Case 1
                    provider = "@msg.telus.com"

                Case 2
                    provider = "@vmobl.com"

                Case 3
                    provider = "@sms.sasktel.com"

                Case 4
                    provider = "@msg.koodomobile.com"

                Case 5
                    provider = "@fido.ca"

                Case 6
                    provider = "@pcs.rogers.com "
            End Select

        ElseIf country = "UK" Then
            Select Case cmb_phone_services.SelectedIndex
                Case 0
                    provider = "@sms.t-mobile.at"
                Case 1
                    provider = "@orange.pl"
                Case 2
                    provider = "@sms.mymeteor.ie"
                Case 3
                    provider = "@text.plusgsm.pl"
                Case 4
                    provider = "@t-mobile.uk.net"
                Case 5
                    provider = "@tachyonsms.co.uk"
                Case 6
                    provider = "@sms.ycc.ru"
            End Select
        End If
That's great, I may have to use this. Thanks! Yus

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